KPathSea bindings for Java

Erik Nijenhuis erik at
Sun Jul 21 16:52:59 CEST 2024

Hi Deyan,

> "jk" is very commonly used to abbreviate "joke" in the English
> speaking world, and would be a rather unfortunate prefix.
I personally think it would make it a fortunate prefix ;)

> I completely agree that a wrapper over kpathsea should include the
> original library name fully, having created a "rust-kpathsea" myself.
Funny that you mention. Tyge Tiessen was looking for that actually. He
demonstrated a rust implementation of TeX at the TUG 2024 Conference.
I don't have his contact information unfortunately. Maybe someone else
can share with him.

> How about just adding a "java-" prefix or "-java" sufix? Or if "4j"
> is considered most javaesque, "kpathsea4j" should be fine as well.
I think kpathsea4j is also a nice project name. I would need to start a
poll I guess...

Best, Erik

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