Use of TEXMFVAR by LuaMetaTeX

Karl Berry karl at
Sun Feb 18 23:25:00 CET 2024

Hi Bruno,

    In other words, it's as if LuaMetaTeX ignores
    SELFAUTOPARENT/texmfcnf.lua. Is this a bug, or the intended behavior?

You'd have to ask Hans, but I strongly suspect it is intended.

    Is this a configuration issue, to be fixed, or is this the normal
    behavior of LuaMetaTeX in TeX Live?

It's not for me to change lmtx behavior, even if I knew how. If you want
lmtx to insert the special-case /Library/ path component on Macs, you'll
need to work something out with Hans. I could not begin to guess what he
will prefer to do. --best, karl.

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