Config questiopns

Gabor Urban urbangabo at
Fri Feb 16 18:46:13 CET 2024

Hi guys,

I am using M$ boxes, and I switch to an other laptop. On the older one I
had MikTex, but recently their repository
do not work properly. Therefore I swtiched to TeXLive which I find very

I have twoo questions though:

1. I have some collections of Plain TeX macroes which I use quite
frequently. I store them in a global texmf directory.
With TeLive I have found the directory texmf-local\local\plain, but my TeX
documenmts could not import. Are there some
enviroment variables (TEXMF for eg.) or how I should preoceed?

2. I am using packages in my LaTeX documents which are available from CTAN,
and were in the MikTex repository. These
were not installed by TeXLive. The package manager does not seem to see
them. How can I get them under TeXLive?

Thanks in advance,

Urbán Gábor

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