Bug report: Take bug reporting off the mailing list

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 9 17:02:55 CET 2024


This is an interesting and potentially very helpful discussion. Eyal
suggests that the texlive community would benefit by using a dedicated
issue-tracking system instead of the texlive discussion list. (I rephrase
slightly. I think it very important to use the term ISSUE tracker here.)

Norbert says that most of the bug reports made to this list relate not to
texlive itself, but to the packages included in texlive. And then says that
this is a good reason for not having a dedicated bug tracking system. (I
might have rephrased a little here.)

Norbert has reported to us an issue with this mailing list. It is that
users report to this list problems with their use of texlive, which arise
from bugs or issues from packages included in texlive.

I think it would be helpful if we could find ways to help direct users to a
better place for reporting or getting help with the issue they have, as a
result of using the software that texlive has installed on their computer.

Perhaps for some of the misplaced issues that come in, we could make an
effort to understand why the user chose to send the issue here rather than
some other better place. This would help give us here more of a shared
understanding of the problem.

I hope this helps.

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