Old Metafoundry fonts

Peter Flynn peter at silmaril.ie
Wed Dec 27 16:30:56 CET 2023

I have a partial set of old PK font files from the Metafoundry which 
Sebastian Rahtz gave me to test many decades ago. I want to use them in 
my next column for TUGboat, but the TFM files for MDUNC (an uncial font, 
I think) are corrupt. There is a comment in the files to say they were 
made by Georgia Tobin, and I believe they may be the fonts she used for 
Font Forum in TUGboat 6:3.

1. Is Georgia still around?
2. Does anyone have working copies of mdunc18.tfm through mdunc96.tfm?

Peter Flynn
🇮🇪 Cork 🇪🇺 Ireland

📱 +353868245333
📧 peter at silmaril.ie

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