{Case changing: \LaTeX\ reaches Unicode-land} {Joseph Wright} {In 2015, I talked about my work exploring Unicode-land, particularly how to carry out case changing in \XeTeX\ and \LuaTeX\ properly. Since then, \texttt{expl3} has become a part of the \LaTeX\ kernel, and LaTeX has adopted \tbUTF-8 as the standard input encoding. The time has therefore become ripe to ``open up'' Unicode-land to allow \cs{MakeUppercase} and \cs{MakeLowercase} to roam free. In this talk, I'll remind us of what Unicode tells us about case changing, where the challenges are and how we've approached them in \texttt{expl3}. I'll then show how this has combined with some \eTeX\ features to enable us to make the switch, incorporate ideas from the \texttt{textcase} package and upgrade \cs{MakeUppercase} and \cs{MakeLowercase} for the 21st century.}