{The wonders of\/ \cs{csname}} {Amy Hendrickson} {A surprisingly useful tool, \cs{csname}\ldots\cs{endcsname}, offers many opportunities for interesting and useful macros, whenever it is convenient to dynamically generate a series of definitions. When each definition contains a counter in its name, we can then call the definition using a loop that advances a counter, and then calling the definition using the loop counter inside the \cs{csname}\ldots\cs{endcsname}. A trivial use is for endnotes. More interestingly, csname definitions can be used to send a set of definitions to the \code{.aux} file, where each new definition contains the current page number in its name, with a `security level' number being defined. This allows the dynamic redefinition of the security level for a particular page, {\it within the \code{.aux} file} depending on whether the new number is higher or lower than the previous number. This can be used to determine the highest security level on any particular page. When the \code{.aux} file is then input, we can access the csname definition in a running head of the \LaTeX\ document, calling \cs{csname}\ldots\cs{endcsname} control sequence and using the current page number within \cs{csname}\ldots\cs{endcsname}, to activate the definition of the highest security level on that page, and use the information to print the security level on top of the page. Another interesting use is for on-line report generation, where a csname definition can be used, for instance, to generate hyperlinks for financial analyses of stocks, in a report that compares hundreds of stocks, and then be able to automatically build a hyperlinked table of contents, using tabs built with \TikZ. Code and examples will be shown for each of these methods and uses of dynamically generated macros using \cs{csname}\ldots\cs{endcsname}, and we'll look at some other ways this tool may be used as well. }