{\TeX\ and music} {Federico Garcia} {For some years I've been working on writing a professional music typesetting system with \TeX\ (and \MF). In 2005 I even had a grant from the \TeX\ Development Fund that allowed me to do a first model of the system. Since then the system has evolved, and particularly between 2010 and now I have actually developed a promising model. This presentation does a little bit of history of the main idea of the \TeX{}muse system, which as will be seen is entirely inspired by the \TeX{} `spirit'. This touches on the potentially disastrous problems of \acro{WYSIWYM} for music typesetting; on what similarly oriented systems have done (and not); and on whether even in spite of these problems the project is worth pursuing. The answer is in the affirmative, mainly because of the more disastrous problems of the alternative, i.e.\ commercial software. (In a nutshell, those problems are that those programs are \emph{not} inspired by \TeX's spirit! In concrete, there are some achievements of \TeX{}muse that would change the life of any composer.) I also demonstrate some pretty cool programming tricks that I have found, both in \TeX\ and in \MF, that in my view speak to the beauty of the systems. The talk does not require technical knowledge of music or music typesetting. }