PDF/A-1b compliance (package pdfx)

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Wed Jul 3 14:57:45 CEST 2024

Am Wed, 03 Jul 2024 10:32:17 +0000 (UTC) schrieb Erik Nijenhuis:

> Which led to the next bug [5]:
> ! Package pdfx Error: 
> (pdfx) Cannot change the \pdfminorversion
> (pdfx) PDF version remains at 1.5.
> (pdfx) Use \pdfmajorversion=1 
> and \pdfminorversion=3 before \documentclass.
> See the pdfx package documentation for explanation.
> Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
>  ...                                              
> l.352 ...\the\pdfmajorversion.\the\pdfminorversion.}
>                                                   %
> ? 
> ! Emergency stop.
>  ...                                              
> l.352 ...\the\pdfmajorversion.\the\pdfminorversion.}
> Since I'm using LuaLaTeX, adding the following before the documentclass will
> finally solve the problem:
> \pdfvariable majorversion = 1
> \pdfvariable minorversion = 4

You are loading pdfx too late and so it can't set the pdfversion
itself, it will then error if the current value is different to the
one it wants to use. 

In your case you can probably avoid the error by loading
\usepackage{luatex85} before pdfx, but a better solution is to move
pdfx to some earlier place in the preamble (before tikz probably).

Ulrike Fischer 

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