Bug in 3.141592653-2.6-0.999995 (TeX Live 2023) with fontspec and tabularray?

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 15:03:12 CET 2024

Hi Ross

Thank you for providing the inputs and outputs you get, along with a
minimal example.

Based on 30 minutes inspecting your file, my inexpert observation and
opinion are this.

1. The problem only arises when there's a minus sign.
2. I was expecting to see an underfull box in the log files, but I didn't.
3. I doubt the font is relevant, except by virtue of dimensions.
4. Is it possible that the minus sign / hyphen is being interpreted as
allowing hyphenation.
5. My initial response was that perhaps some cleverness with category codes
was going wrong.
6. It may be, I've no idea, that tblr is doing some special parsing of cell

Some judicious tracing in the log file would be helpful. I hope some small
part of my limited contribution is helpful.

with kind regards

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