Bug report: Take bug reporting off the mailing list

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sat Feb 10 00:15:56 CET 2024

    Instead of the link target being, say,
    mailto:tex-live at tug.org

I thought about doing that, but I thought it was more useful to link to
the list information page, so people might see (and search) the archives
before posting :). But maybe a mailto: link and a separate link to the
archives (as I do in other places, I think) would be better. I'll think
about it.

    _is_ the subscription page

Well, it's not actually the subscription page so much as the "general
list information" page. Although, as I wrote to you before, I grant you
that subscription-related stuff takes up the majority of the page, which
is unfortunate. --best, karl.

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