strange koma-script package requirements

Markus Kohm komascript at
Fri Feb 9 11:24:11 CET 2024

When installing koma-script on TeX Live with basic scheme installed, the
installer asks for installation of bigfoot and footmisc. But the KOMA-Script
classes or packages do never load bigfoot (or perpage or suffix, which are also
part of bigfoot) or footmisc.

These are the third-party packages KOMA-Script really requires:

- auxhook (soft requirement, if hyperref is loaded)
- bookmark (soft requirement depending on class options and only if hyperref
is loaded)
- eso-pic (will be replaced by generic hooks in future)
* etoolbox (will be replaced by xpatch, which also requires etoolbox)
* graphics (because of keyval and graphicx)
- l3keys2e (will be removed in future)
- marvosym (soft requirement, depending on class/package options)
- fontawesome (soft requirement, depending on class/package options)
* xparse
* xpatch

IMHO only the *-marked items are hard requirements, that will also exist in
future releases. AFAIK, only etoolbox and xpatch are not part of the basic
scheme and therefore should be added as required.

BTW: xpatch requires etoolbox, but this requirement is AFAIK missing in tex

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