Bug report: Implicit dependency of footmisc on bigfoot

Eyal Rozenberg eyalroz1 at gmx.com
Tue Feb 6 21:31:28 CET 2024

Hello TeXLive maintainers,

I'm using TL 2023 (among other places) on a Windows 10 machine. I had
installed several packages, including the footmisc package. I then tried
to use it with the perpage option - only to get an error at line 477 of

File `perpage.sty' not found. \MakePerPage

This should not have happened, because if footmisc.sty uses perpage.sty,
then either that file must be provided by the footmisc.sty package, or
it needs to depend on another package which does provide the file.

I was obviously at a loss regarding what to do... eventually I was told
[1] that the file was part of the bigfoot package.

So, please either:

1. Make footmisc depend on bigfoot, or
2. Have footmisc provide perpage.sty (redundantly with bigfoot?
Hopefully that's possible)

Eyal Rozenberg

  [1]: https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/708840/5640

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