Unitialized variable

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Wed Sep 27 23:03:47 CEST 2023

Hi Mike,

    No.  I've used xelatex a lot, and expect I will continue to do so, so 
    having it run correctly is important to me.

This is baffling.

When you run xetex from the command line, you said it fails because you
don't have libfontconfig.so.1. So how could you be using xelatex?  Oh
well, now that you've installed libfontconfig, I guess there's no
further debugging along this line. Which is fine. Life goes on.

Were you using a front end that somehow sets the dynamic library path to
somewhere that includes libfontconfig.so.1? Do you have that file
anywhere on your computer, besides the place where it just got installed?

    Now I installed libfontconfig1
    I *still* get 55 instances of the "Uninitialized value $_[4]" msg in the 
    (new) log file (but no instances of the warning about libfontconfig). 

Ok, good to know. It's strange, since the warning does not show up on
our systems. Anyway, we'll fix it one way or another, but in itself the
warning is not important. As you surmised. --thanks, karl.

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