NewTX in TeX Live 2023 to version 1.726

Al Ma alma0 at
Tue Sep 5 16:01:16 CEST 2023

Dear Karl,
Oh, I see.  Then the maintainer simply hasn't updated the versions of the .sty files (but he did update some other files).
Thanks for having taken a look!
03.09.2023, 23:41, Karl Berry < /compose karl at >
Hi Alma (typing this on an Alma Linux system BTW :), However, says the latest version is 1.726 2023-08-25. 1) The actual newtx.sty file on CTAN says 1.724, just like TL. tex-archive/fonts/newtx/tex/newtx.sty 2) When I run an update, it says there is nothing to be done. 3) If you look at the newtx/README file, you'll see the changes in 1.725 and 1.726 evidently didn't affect the .sty file. 4) In short, TL is up to date. As far as I can see. 5) Michael said he's planning another release soon. Best, Karl
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