Impossible to use TL 2023 on Windows

Denis Bitouzé denis.bitouze at
Thu May 11 12:44:55 CEST 2023

Le 11/05/23 à 12h41, Denis Bitouzé a écrit :

> a student of mine used to have a working TL 2021 on Windows (10). He
> just removed it (using Add/Remove Programs) and installed TL 2023 (as
> administrator).
> But, since then, it is impossible to run LaTeX. For instance, in the
> terminal (`cmd.exe`), `pdflatex test` tries to regenerate the pdflatex
> format (`pdflatex.fmt`) but fails with the error:
>   ┌────
>   │ Can't spawn "cmd.exe": No such file or directory at
>   │ c:\texlive\...\ line 727.
>   └────

Just an additional note: this student already did try to uninstalled and
reinstall but the problem remains.

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