TL ConTeXt in minimal setup

Max Chernoff mseven at
Mon Jul 17 12:24:16 CEST 2023

Hi Joseph,

> I'm trying to run ConTeXt from TeX Live in a minimised set up 
> ( This fails, 
> and if I make a local VM to test, I can get e.g.:
> <prompt>:~$ context
> mtxrun          | unknown script 'mtx-context.lua' or 'mtx-mtx-context.lua'

Yeah, I've had this issue too. Running 

   $ mtxrun --generate
   $ context --make

should fix it. ("context --make" is probably not needed, but ConTeXt
will need to run it anyways, so it doesn't hurt)

> whereas on my full install this works fine. Both the VM and full install 
> are TL'23, the VM is Ubuntu and my own machine is macOS. The file is of 
> course there (it's part of the context TL package): any ideas what is 
> up?

Does installing the "context-texlive" package fix anything? I'd guess
no, but that might explain why a full install works differently from a
minimal install.

> I'm guessing this relates to the fact that ConTeXt does it's own 
> file searching.

This is probably related to either the LMTX upgrade or tlmgr no longer
ever running "mtxrun --generate". Or maybe a combination of them both.

-- Max

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