restricted shell escape python script review?

Karl Berry karl at
Sun Aug 20 00:57:41 CEST 2023

Is there anyone who would like (and has time) to help us review a
package + Python script for inclusion in the restricted
shell_escape_commands list?  I lack Python knowledge, and I'm not sure
how much time the other people who usually help review have, at the

Background: A contributor (Saso Zivanovic) has written an interesting
package to "memoize" tikz et al. (With the aim of doing it faster than
standard tikz externalization.) There is both a TeX-level .sty and a
script (and plenty more). Saso implemented the script in both Python and

The package would be much more usable if the script, in one or both
implementations, was included in the restricted shell escape list.
That means seriously thinking about and testing the package and

Saso carefully prepared the package for testing, and provided lots of
details. But we definitely need more knowledgeable people looking at it
and thinking about it.

Let me know if you can help. --thanks, karl.

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