[tex-k] epstopdf not usable in Git Bash for Windows

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Fri Mar 29 02:20:01 CET 2024

Hi Yukai,

    It seems the cause is, in Git Bash the path separator in PATH is unix-like
    colon (:), not win-like semicolon (;), 

If you, or someone there, can create a patch to fix this (without
breaking Windows or Cygwin), I'm happy to apply it. I have no knowledge
of Git Bash and don't know how to distinguish it from other Windows


I couldn't quite tell, but reading that bug, it seemed there might be a
second issue, namely the hardwiring of the Windows paths to the TeX Live
locations of kpsewhich and (tl)gs for restricted epstopdf.

I guess it would be fine to check first for kpsewhich and gs on PATH on
Windows too, and only fall back to the hardwired locations if not
available, since they are found along PATH under Unix, even for
repstopdf. But again, I need to ask you to make a patch for that, if
it's necessary. --best, karl.

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