[tex-k] Incorrect sizes in GFtoDVI output

Igor Liferenko igor.liferenko at gmail.com
Thu Nov 18 02:26:25 CET 2021

Hi Karl,

> gftodvi is intended for
> use with "smoke" proofs, that is, mode:=proof and similar. With that
> setting, I get no warnings with your input file (even without the scaled
> on the pencircle). I don't believe Knuth would be interested in gftodvi
> warnings for unintended use cases.

Excuse me, but this means that we have an "unintended" use case for
GFtoDVI on p.32 of MFbook:

    211: setchar116 h:=4577610+216636=4794246, hh:=606 warning: |h|>4673100!
    212: right4 185688 h:=4794246+185688=4979934, hh:=631 warning: |h|>4794246!
    217: setchar50 h:=4979934+278532=5258466, hh:=666 warning: |h|>4979934!
    218: setchar48 h:=5258466+278532=5536998, hh:=701 warning: |h|>5258466!
    219: setchar50 h:=5536998+278532=5815530, hh:=736 warning: |h|>5536998!

A naïve user who is trying to read MFbook step-by-step has not yet
made it through to 3rd paragraph on p.327 ... This is too misleading,


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