[OS X TeX] OT: help with font embeddings

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Feb 8 11:36:58 CET 2006

Am 08.02.2006 um 03:55 schrieb Jan Anderssen:

> (i) how can i find out which fonts are problematic for the printer?  
> i assume any base35 fonts shouldn't be, but there are lots of  
> different entries for various times versions, as well as many other  
> fonts. is there a way to disentangle them so as to find out where  
> the problem exactly lies?

You can run for example pdffonts from the xpdf suite on each PDF  
file. You'll get a list of fonts used, embedded or not -- but you  
won't get their encodings! And I think it's only 14 fonts, that do  
need to be embedded for *viewing* in PDF viewers ... the PS printer  
will need the fonts either built-in, or downloaded, or embedded in  
the document.

> (ii) is there a way to embed fonts "after the fact"?

In theory: of course! Practically it will fail because the  
(partially) embedded fonts are all re-encoded, so you would need to  
download to the printer the encoded fonts that an x is not printed as  
an u. And I don't think that there is a programme yet to tell the  
encoding's name (it *must* be recorded in the PDF, because from a  
partially embedded font, i.e. one that only contains the 87 actually  
used glyphs from the font's full set of 321 -- all numbers are  
examples -- you cannot determine the encoding).

IMO the best thing is to write to the authors and ask them to submit  
their contributions again with all fonts (partially) embedded.  
Remember that a commercial print shop uses software to check whether  
a document could be printed. So this (preflight?) programme already  
might reject the book when it sees that some font is not embedded.



The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is the day they  
start selling vacuum cleaners.

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