TeX Consultant Listings

This form requests placement of an entry in the list of TeX consultants and vendors on the TUG web site, or in the journal TUGboat, or both.

For TUGboat, consultant listings are limited to around 80 words; please see the TUGboat advertising rates for quarter-page or larger ads if you'd like more space. For the web listing, we can accept up to around 150 words.

If you have any questions or concerns, or want to modify your existing listing, just email us. There is no charge for updating a listing.

Consultant categories:


 web only or
TUGboat only
  Individual/member $20 $35
  Individual/non-member  40 70
  Corporate/member  50 90
  Corporate/non-member  75 140
Listings will run for 12 months online, and/or the following three issues of TUGboat.

Please enter consultant listing information:
By default, we publish all provided contact information. To omit some information from the public listing, tell us in the comments field at the end of the form. All fields except the name are optional.

Place listing in  TUGboat only    web page only    both
Individual/member    Individual/non-member   
Corporate/member    Corporate/non-member   
TUG institutional member
See prices and category descriptions above.
Consultant name
Web site
line two, optional
City State/Province
Telephone Fax
of services

(about 150 words max online,
80 for print;
ok to use HTML or TeX.
If renewing and no changes
to text, please just say “renew”.)
Optional donation to TUG $  

Additional comments:

If you need or prefer not to use PayPal, please use our alternate payment form.

$Date: 2022/03/11 16:14:52 $; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.